A Clan Gathered

7:20 PM

They came, from The South and from The West, to a beauteous mountain range known as the Rockies, in a fair land called Colorado.  "They" were my family, and the occasion was our annual family vacation.  A week of laughter, debating, tickle matches, fierce Xbox battles, hugs, teasing, eating, catching up on each other's lives and enjoying a welcome break from the pressures of daily life.

We wandered down Breckenridge's main street, browsing little shops, finding yummy food, and had fun trying on new hairstyles at a shop that happened to have a small corner dedicated to just that. :o)

We played mini golf, Go Fish, Xbox, pool, quick scrabble, and a few arcade games...

And spent a day at Glenwood Adventure Park where we went spelunking, roller-coaster-riding, maze-running, zipline-flying, laser-tagging, and got to ride the giant canyon swing.  Which really was a GIANT swing placed strategically at the edge of the canyon to ensure the most trauma to the rider.  Most of us suffered from varying degrees of hoarseness after we finished riding the roller-coaster and swing. :o)

We spent a whole morning trying to get a good picture with everyone looking AND smiling- realized that wasn't going to happen, and called it good enough. :o)

But most of all, we just enjoyed the chance to all be together again.  With Maacah and Glen both living out in Montana now, me moving back down to Haiti in less than a month, and Mom's cancer diagnosis, we treasure those moments and hold them sacred.  Life's short.  We aren't promised tomorrow.

Make memories that matter.

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