Things That I've Learned

8:44 PM

Hopefully I've learned much more than ten things over the years, but that's the number that comes to mind at the moment, mostly because I've either just learned them, or they were recently reinforced.  So, without further ado, I give you ten things.

1)  If you sing loudly while driving a golf cart after dark, there is a high likelihood that a bug will go home searching and select your open orifice as it's new lodging.  This can cause excessive veering and swerving as the driver of the golf carts attempts to dislodge said bug.  Also, large amounts of gagging and hacking sounds may emit from the vicinity of the golf cart.  Do not worry.  This is a normal part of the bug removal process.

2)  Skittles can sound EXACTLY like a chicken.  I am referring to Dad's bird Skittles- not the candy.  That would be weird.  Actually, the bird sounding like a chicken IS weird- but that's not the point.

3) Mothers do not listen to their daughters' advise regarding their (the mother's) health.  They may nod politely and appear compliant.  This is an act.  Inside they are planning exactly what they want to do for the day, with complete disregard for your advise to NOT do too much.  Also, while I'm on the subject of mothers, if you're lucky (blessed) enough to still have yours, give her an extra hug and kiss today- just because you can.  Nobody is promised forever, and you never know what tomorrow may bring.  Make use of the time that you have.

4)  The world's largest plane is really, really...LARGE.  Like, it's HUGE.  HUGE.

5)  It really doesn't make a difference how long it's been since you've seen family members- you can slip right back in and connect again just like the last time you saw them.

6)  Sisters are treasurers.  Gifts from God.  Never, ever, EVER take them for granted.  The same goes for brothers.  And parents. Also grandparents.  Aunts and uncles.  Cousins.  Basically, just all family.  And friends.  So, basically just everyone.  Never, ever, EVER take ANYONE for granted.  Even the ones that you are convinced God sent into your life solely to teach you patience.

7)  I have, in my room, what is literally the most comfortable bed ever.

8)  Not eating large amounts of junk food and eating basically NO sugar is not as difficult as I would have declared it to be a year ago.

9)  Doctors are not all-knowing.

10)  I am blessed.  Really, truly, deeply blessed by God.  My life is not perfect- no one's is- but it IS extremely blessed.  I have a loving family that supports me and cares about me, I was able to spend a year in school learning how to be a nurse, I live in a gorgeous state and get to see beautiful sunsets, I have a job, I always have enough to eat, a lovely room just for me, medical aid in the event of an emergency is just minutes away, I've never had any major health issues, I was given the opportunity to travel to Haiti and live with one the most amazing groups of people that I've ever met for three months, and, even if I never get to go back again, that experience has enriched my life forever.  Life is good.  But, you know what's crazy?  All the good here is just a shadow of what's to come.  Life IS good- but really, it's what's coming after life here on earth that's going to be awesome.  And can I just insert a mini-rant here about how abused that word is?  I mean, the pizza that you had to eat tonight inspired a "feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder"?  Really???  Would it be so difficult to reserve one word for the way it was originally meant?  For things that inspire AWE.  Like Glacier National Park.  God's grace.  I realize that those two may not sound that similar, but if you've ever seen the beauty and vastness of the mountains and glaciers there, and felt the insignificance that comes with realizing how truly tiny you are, I think you'll understand.  It's AWESOME.

So that's ten.  I could go on, but I'd hate to bore anyone any longer. :o) Thanks for sticking with me this long, and until next time, God bless!


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  1. Hey Kindra!!!!!!!!
    Long Time No Talk.......
    Have A Blessed Week!
    Tamesha Nolt ~ Author Of Grandma Isabell's Story

    1. Thanks, Tamesha, and I hope your's is blessed as well. :o)

  2. Replies
    1. Aww....Moop. I misseth you too. September is coming up, though, and I can hardly wait!


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