Tidbits of Life in Tennessee

8:28 PM

I held a conversation today that tickled me to no end, so I thought that I would share at least part of it with y'all.  It went as follows:

Him:  Hello!
Me:  Hello!
Him:  Hello.
Me:  Hello.
Him:  Hello!
Me:  Hello!
Him:  Hello.
Me:  Hello.

This went on for quite some time until I decided to try switching things up a bit.

Him:  Hello!
Me:  Aren't you getting tired of saying the same thing over and ov-
Him: *angrily mutters something unintelligible*
Me:  I said, aren't you getting tired of saying the same thing over and over again?
Him: *long angry stare*
Me:  *long, rather amused stare*
Him:  Shut up.
Me:  *gasp* YOU shut up!
Him:  Shut up. 
Me:  Shut up. 


Him:  Hello!
Me:  ......hello.

This conversation, by the way, was held with Skittles.  Dad's Scarlet Macaw.

My sister was giving me a hard time about blogging the other day, so I told her that I haven't had anything to blog about.  To which she replied that I must live a very dull life.  I tried to explain to her that it's not that, I think my life is generally brimming with adventure- I just didn't think anybody would be very interested in the fact that I'm finally learning how to use the little tiller (it was always Mom or Dad's job, before).  Never mind that it almost got away from me on multiple occasions, or that I may or may not have "harvested" an onion or two that had the misfortune of growing near my training grounds.  It's not exactly "big news" that I was finally able to get started on staining Mom's fence last week.  That Karessa beat me by two measly points at bowling the other day, or that I really, genuinely miss having my two little sisters and Dad around right now while they are off to Africa to visit a few of our friends.  They left early Saturday morning, which, by the way, is the reason that I was out feeding and having a conversation with one of Dad's birds. They will be gone until the 9th of July, I believe.

Mom and I managed to convince Dad that it would be an absolute crime if we couldn't go out to Montana to visit Maacah and Glen while they were gone, so we are flying out there on the second of July.  The beans in the garden should be getting ready around that time, so we can't be gone too long, but we are looking forward to it immensely regardless.

I'm trying to work things out so that I can meet up with a few of my friends from down in Haiti this weekend.  Whit is up visiting her family for about a month, and I would love the opportunity to catch up with her again, along with the others that I know from down there that are also living up here again.  I hope so badly that we can make it happen...

Speaking of Haiti, I still have no plans about returning.  Mom has some tests that are scheduled for the around the middle of July, so I am planning to wait and see how those look.  My homesickness for there has dulled, but never left, even though it sometimes feels like those three months could have been a dream.  God knows best, of that I am sure.

Mom had her oophorectomy last Wednesday, and it went really well, with her being released to come home around 3:30 that same afternoon.  The first few days after the surgery she was about as sore as can be expected, but she's been feeling better again the last day or two.  As always, please continue to keep her in your prayers. 

It's a gorgeous and breezy summer night, as I sit here on the porch with Pansy for company.  Mom and I have been desperately hoping for rain, and it's looking like it may be on its way.  I love the way the world smells, just before and right after a rain.

Oh.  I got to play with maggots again the other day, for the first time since I've been back!  Well, not exactly maggots, since there was only one of them, but still, it had a certain accomplished feeling that accompanied its removal. :o) A friend of ours brought her kitty over the other night because it had a lump on its neck that she was concerned about.  When I applied a little pressure to it, a maggot popped out.  While both Jackie and I were rather impressed, Mittens was not.  I've not heard anything about how she's doing since, so I'm hoping that "no news is good news".

Well, I should get some sleep, so good night and God bless!


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  1. Thanks for the update! Will keep praying for your Mom!

    1. Thank you! Those prayers mean the world to us!


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