Cap Haitian Trip

11:37 AM

I know, I's been a long time since I've posted on here again.  I had hoped that I would have some time while we were on vacation to catch up with this and some emails that have been needing to be written. All my wonderful plans, however, sorta fell be the wayside when we actually got to Cap Haitian.  Between just flat-out being busy while we were there, incredibly slow internet at our motel, and the fact that the day we checked in at the motel I heard some news from home that sorta threw me for a bit of a loop for most of vacation, I really didn't catch up on anything.

We left home last Tuesday afternoon (April 8th) and drove to Petit Goave for the evening at Pastor Levi's, then drove from there to spend the night at Blue Ridge in Port.  Wednesday morning we all piled into the ambulance and headed up to Cap Haitian...Steve, Shana and their two children, Michael, Julian, Rhoda, Kate, Whitney, Dominique, and I.  We arrived in the afternoon and checked into our was absolutely gorgeous, and we all just lounged around and did very little for the rest of the day. :o)

Thursday we decided to head out to a little resort along the beach that was about twenty minutes from where we were staying.  We spent the better part of the afternoon there, swimming, wandering the grounds and admiring the many beautiful flowers that were blooming, whistling at the birds caged there, and, for me at least, building a sandcastle. :o)  I had fun with it, and named it in honor of my mom- I just wish that I could have gotten the water that I tried to fill the moat with to stay in the moat. :o)

Me, Kate, Whit, Dominique, and Rho

Friday we went to tour the citadel.  I really enjoyed going through it, and only wished that I could have lived close enough to it when I was a child to play hide-n-seek there. :o) It was the perfect setting for it.  It was a little too crowded there, for my taste, though....our guide told us that it is tradition for many Haitians to visit the citadel around Easter, and there was a lot of people up there. 

Group Picture!

Steve and Shana's two children, Alex and Cherie.

The two guys, Michael and Julian- yes, Steve is a guy, but for some reason
in this case he doesn't count...I think it's because he's married. :o) 
Steve and Shana
The girls: Dominique, Rhoda, Whitney, Katie, and I
(I think the same principle applies to Shana here...she's married)
King Christophe's palace
Saturday we lazied around in the morning and did a little souvenir shopping, then headed back down to stay at SLM in Port for the night.  Sunday morning we attended a program that Maranatha Bible School's choir was having at CAM, then we drove back down to our mountains that evening.

Vacation was fun.  Going home was fun-ner. :o) It was great to be back in my room, and to feed my bunny again, and just to see all my friends again...I always love traveling, and I always love that feeling of coming home.  Home, however, has become a slightly confusing subject to me that is better left for another blog...maybe next week.  No promises, though. :o)

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  1. Kindra,
    Praying for you!
    An Old Time Friend,
    Tamesha Nolt


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