I'm So Happy

5:34 PM

Whit and Dominique laughed at me because that is what I keep repeating as I opened my box from home this afternoon.  Over, and over, and over again.  Gifts mean a lot to me. Especially when I can tell that the person took the time to find something that they really thought I would like.  And especially since I live so far away, now.

And there was SO much stuff in that box!  I'm not sure who packed it all in there, but they did an amazing job.  I kept pulling things out, and pulling things out for what seemed like forever. :o)

So, a great big THANK YOU to everyone who sent anything in the box.  It was appreciated far more than you will ever know. I jumped up and down, clapped, cried, and marveled over it all for the better part of the afternoon. :o)

That wasn't the only thing to make me happy today.  There was quite a build-up of happy things, actually.

The clinic was...well, like the clinic often is on Tuesdays- a little slower.  I could once again do some of the cleaning that is always calling me...And I so rarely answer that call. :o)

I was trying to explain to someone today that it's the tiny little things that make me absurdly happy....like shining the little metal things that cotton balls are kept in.  I love sitting and smiling at them when I'm finished...And I can practically see them smiling back.

I got to start an IV again.  I always loved them in school, and haven't had the opportunity to do one since we finished clinicals last year.  I had almost forgotten how satisfying they are. :o) A woman came in and started "decomposing" this afternoon, so we gave her liter on normal saline, and she perked right up.  Mis Leda dismissed them this afternoon to head back home.

Or the fact that the bandage station clipboard is now hanging neatly on the wall, and not sitting on the counter and constantly in the way.  Kudos to Nate for that one.

And being able to show a mother her unborn child, using the ultrasound machine.  When I pointed out the baby's foot (or what I believed to be so), she looked so happy.  I am now determined to figure that machine out. :o)  I just so badly want to know what all those buttons, dials, and switches do.  They completely intrigue me.  We're looking for a volunteer to come teach us how to use it, so if anybody knows anybody....please, send them our way.

Steve and Shana and our missing nurses arrived back home today.  It feels like it's been forever since they were here, and it was so good to see them again.  Whit and I both enjoyed the challenge of running the clinic ourselves for a few days, but it will definitely be nice to go back to having more nurses around. :o)

I think we're having a wiener roast tonight with our latest company (Alvin and Mary Kay Stoll came with my box from home today), so I should run see if my laundry is dry enough to come in before it gets completely smoked.

Hope y'all had as good of a day as I did...And have a great rest of the week.

Take care, and God bless!


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  1. We love your updates! The whole family gathers around and there are giggles and chuckles! We feel in touch! :} Luv u bunches


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