On Beaches, Bunnies, and Guys-Who-Can't-Run-Machetes

4:51 AM

Okay, so I decided when I created this blog that I was NOT going to be one of those bloggers who always seemed to forget that they had a blog.  I was creating a blog for one reason: to keep my family and friends updated- and I intended to post on my blog.  I mean how hard could sitting down for a bit every couple days and typing a little something be, right?  Wrong!  It's been a month since I've posted ANYTHING on here.  Shame on me.  Anyway, now that I've got that out in the open- moving on...

We were treated to a trip out to town and to the beach last weekend.  We got to browse market for a couple hours, sit down at a real restaurant and have some absolutely delicious chicken and goat, hit the beach and go snorkeling, and just relax without having to keep an ear constantly turned to hear if someone knocks at the gate.  We came back exhausted and refreshed.

I got to do my first suture job today.  I've been dying to get to try ever since MMI, where I really enjoyed the lesson and getting to practice on the boards they gave us.  I even got to try finger-block anesthesia, and, since the guy said he couldn't feel his finger after about ten minutes, I'm assuming it worked. :o)  I know that it was a far cry from perfect when I finished, and it certainly wasn't the prettiest suture job I've seen, but the edges of the laceration were more or less back together, and it was a definite improvement from when he came in.  And I was hooked.  Steve is now voicing concern that I may go sneaking out with a machete to assure myself of job security. :o)

The poor fellow's finger before it was cleaned, he had stuffed it with tobacco to stop the bleeding.

I also thought I'd share a picture of Bianca in her lovely little bunny palace....she seems to be quite happy and content living in it. :o)

Have a delicious week, and God bless!




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  1. Wow! The picture of the beach is beautiful. How far is it from the clinic to the beach? And you should have posted a picture of the finger after you had it all stitched up so I could view your handiwork. :0)

    1. I was going to take a picture, but it slipped my mind until after it was already wrapped up....if I see him again, I will definately try to take one to show y'all, though. :o) Oh, and the beach is about 2-1/2 hours from here, but definitely worth the drive. :o)

  2. Keep on blogging! I second what Maac said about before and after pics. luv u lots!!

    1. Love you, too, Wilm. :o) And I'm going to try to keep blogging...maybe if it's not just a one-way street...;-)


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