A Good Day for a Hike

6:35 PM

-That was Saturday.  A group of us young people here at the mission decided to hike to see "The Waterfall". :o)  Actually, it was all the blan staff minus Steve's- except for Whit, who had to stay because it was her turn to be on call at the clinic.  So a group of five girls, three boys, three horses, and various other small people that came and went with the group headed out Saturday morning. 

 The waterfall was gorgeous.  The picture below really cannot begin to do its beauty justice.  It felt like a small tropical oasis, hidden from the outside world by the rocks surrounding it.  The blue-green pool at the bottom, and the lush greenery surrounding it, evoked a feeling of being hidden away in some undiscovered jungle wonderland.

I could have happily stayed there all day, playing beneath the waterfall, jumping off of rocks into the pool, and floating contentedly in the water.  But we girls had plans to go to Rhonda's that evening, so after one final exhilarating leap from the rock, we headed out to locate the guys, who were down by the side of the river.  We snapped a few group photos, then headed home.

Me, Rhoda, Sharon, Dominique, and Katie

Glenden, Nate, and David

My creole is slowly coming along...one of the young guys that works as a gate guard at the clinic told me today that I may start to sound like a Haitian in "two or three years." :o) I thought that sounded pretty inspiring, so I simply thanked him for his vote of confidence in my ability to learn the language.  But some days it feels like it may take that long to just be able to hold a casual conversation with someone.  I have actually got my creole lesson done the last two days, which is better than sometimes.  It seems like something tends to come up right when I am heading out to do it, then I get sidetracked, then the day is done, and it has somehow slipped through the cracks.

Yesterday was exactly one month since I arrived here.  I can hardly believe that much time has already sped by.  It seems like yesterday that I was crying on an airplane, heading south; yet at the same time, it feels as though I have been living here for forever.  And I am falling more in love with life here every day- well, most days, that is. :o) There are a few days here and there where it isn't much fun, but then again, I didn't come here to have fun, so...I think I'll stay. *wink*

I was up much later than I should have been last night, and I think I should probably try to catch up a bit on my sleep tonight, so I should go. 

Good night, and God bless!


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  1. Hey it's good to see another blog about the mission there in Haiti :) Can't wait to see Haiti through your eyes, and to see how everyone is doing there! God bless!

    -nate/bab wouj/etc :)

    1. Nate, sorry it took me so long...I'm bad like that. :o) I've heard so much about you that I feel like I should know you. Maybe some day. :o)
      Oh. And that's not the name that I hear Steve refer to you as. :o)


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