Say Hello

Okey, I'll be up-front with you right now and tell you that I'm not the best at staying in touch.  But, generally speaking, people that put an effort into staying in contact with me will receive the same treatment.

So, if you write me or message me, I give you my word that I will sincerely try to reply within a reasonable amount of time.

Now, for the many and varied ways of getting in touch with me - I have anything from snail mail to a phone number, to WhatsApp and Google you may choose your poison. :o)

  • Mailing Address (for Haiti):

Donavon Hostetler
3170 Airmans Dr. #2140 ALEG
Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 

(Note: Please, if you do send something to this address, keep it one pound or less, and do not list my name on the address - ie: Kindra Stoll c/o Donavon Hostetler - for anything heavier than a pound, shoot me an email and I can let you know the easiest way to get it to me)
  • Mailing Address (stateside):
Kindra Stoll
1084 Glen Plunk Rd. 
Bethel Springs, TN 38315
  • Phone #:
Haitian - +509-3428-7235 
Stateside - (731) 608-1248
My WhatsApp account is currently linked to my Haitian number.
  • Email:
This is the email that I use for my Google Hangouts account.

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