And Time Ticks On

6:25 PM

This Friday will mark four weeks since I arrived back on Haitian soil.  It feels like forever and yet as though I was just leaving home a few days ago...time is an illusive thing anywhere, but seems even more so here.

We have been insanely busy lately with more patients this month than any other month this year.  I'm staying busy with bandage patients, taking vitals, occasionally helping Whit with her cute little prenatal program ladies, and simply floating around the clinic in search of odd jobs when I run out of other things to do. 

And, of course, assisting in helping deliver babies. I actually caught my first baby two days after I arrived back down here.  I had an excellent coach and team to help, but it was still rather terrifying and incredibly exhilarating.  Thank God that there really could not have been a more perfect delivery and that there was not a single complication with the mother or child.  And he was a simply adorable child. :o) 

We girls have been working on doing some deep cleaning at our house the past couple weeks, spending several days working until late at night scrubbing the walls and ceiling.  It's incredible how much cleaner our house feels now that the ceiling is actually white again. 

We made a last minute decision last Saturday to go visit the waterfall again, so all the young people here at the compound spent the afternoon hiking over, reveling in the beauty of the falls and the coolness of the water, and then trekking back.  I think we all suffered from varying degrees of soreness over the next couple days.  

A group of us headed out on a machine one afternoon after clinic on a couple different missions.  Mali and I were dropped off to make a house call on an older gentleman who couldn't walk to clinic; deliver some insulin shots to a different patient; and try to find yet another patient to let him know that he needed to be at clinic by that evening to catch a ride out to a hospital the next morning.  We were just leaving our first house when it started to sprinkle, and as we listened to the rain coming in the distance, Mali turned to me and asked if I wanted to find a house to wait it out or just hike in the rain.  I just looked back and asked if she was kidding.  We had a complete blast sliding up and down the winding little trail trying to locate our last patient, and then hiking back to the mission in the pouring rain.  We got soaked.  But we found our people.  And we had fun in the process.  Win-win, eh? :o)

And I just can't resist throwing this last picture below on too.  This little old man is our next door neighbor who took a bit of a tumble the other day and hit his head.  It was not very long, but deep enough that I just wasn't quite comfortable leaving it without being stitched- so stitch it I did.  We suspicioned that the tumble was the result of a little too much alcohol, and his tipsy giggles kept making me smile, which in turn made his giggles become belly laughs that turned my smiles into laughter that had me doubled over holding my stomach because it ached from being so happy.  I did manage to get the stitches in, and this photo was taken the day that I removed the stitches.  He was so pleased to have his picture taken that he could hardly stop smiling. 

Once again, I've got to run.  We've been so busy that my good intentions to post more frequently fell quickly by the wayside.  Hopefully things will slowly return to some semblance of normal soon, though, and I can update a little more often.  I won't make any promises about that, though, since it never seems to actually happen. :o) 

Take care, and God bless! 

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  1. I miss you like crazy! If you come home in time, maybe you could help catch our our wee punkin'. :)

    1. Miss you too....And I can't WAIT to meet your wee punkin'. :o)


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