Christmas Vacation & Long-Awaited Visitors

5:22 PM

So...we went on a vacation...

...this vacation was over Christmas break. 

                                                           We had a lot of fun.

It was way back at the end of December. 


And basically, I figure the pictures can tell the story of all the good times that were had during those four days. :o)

Inspiring views, gorgeous sunrises, "diving", BACON, racing over the "foot massage" path, wading in the "swimming" pool, four separate attempts to get everyone jumping off the pier at the same time (and four colossal failures), chocolate, unlimited internet, mango smoothies, and NO ONE KNOCKING AT THE GATE.

Adrian, Oren, Brandon, and Nathan were coming down on a GB church rebuilding project earlier this month, and brightened (like, REALLY brightened) my life by coming down a few days early to visit me....loved to see them come, and HATED to see them go.  It was wonderful to have some home-folks around for a while.

This particular picture is from the hike that we took up to see Grandpa's house.  Then we decided to go the rest of the way up the mountain.  Then we decided that if went just a couple mountaintops over, we should be able to see the ocean. 


Somehow - I'm not sure how - we ended up far, far from home.  So we took a group picture, went to a small market, bought us a couple cokes, ate a few cookies, and headed back to our faraway home. :o) 

Well, now that I can check "Write a Blog Post" off of my mental to-do list, I'm gonna wrap this up.  Thanks....for reading, caring, and praying.


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  1. That Haitian sailboat looks interesting did you get a ride.

    1. Sorry Oren... This is slightly belated. :) But no, we didn't. :( We've talked about trying to take a sailboat out to the island, but never actually done it.

  2. Nice vacation. It's always good to take a breather once and while.


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